Search For shrink In Quotes 35

May I share with you my earliest memory of a political row? It was with my mother about the Queen - classic Freudian stuff shrinks would say. I was eight and refusing to watch the Queen's Christmas Day broadcast.

If the abstract rights of man will bear discussion and explanation those of women by a parity of reasoning will not shrink from the same test.

Some artists shrink from self-awareness fearing that it will destroy their unique gifts and even their desire to create. The truth of the matter is quite opposite.

It is error only and not truth that shrinks from inquiry.

The time at our disposal each day is elastic the passions we feel dilate it those that inspire us shrink it and habit fills it.

A thing is mighty big when time and distance cannot shrink it.

We must continue to pursue peace through diplomacy but we must also not shrink from our responsibility through the option of strength. We must take advantage of internal resistance and change from within Iran to avert this path of mutual destruction.

I got problems. I freak out go to a shrink go through all kinds of therapy and stuff but I'm learning how to deal with it. That's why I've chosen one hour a night to get all of my aggressions out. to really tell the world the way I feel.

Knowledge shrinks as wisdom grows.

To the extent that the judicial profession becomes the daily routine of deciding cases on the most secure precedents and the narrowest grounds available the judicial mind atrophies and its perspective shrinks.