Search For secondly In Quotes 11

In order for a war to be just three things are necessary. First the authority of the sovereign. Secondly a just cause. Thirdly a rightful intention.

More brands are waking up to their social responsibility and doing good work through cause marketing campaigns. Yet too many still go about it the wrong way. I mean 'wrong' in two senses. Firstly they are marketing ineffectively and secondly as a consequence their positive social impact is not maximized.

Secondly I would like to make continuous efforts of stabilising cross Strait relations eventually reaching peace across the Taiwan strait and stability and security in the Asia Pacific region.

A good government implies two things first fidelity to the objects of the government secondly a knowledge of the means by which those objects can be best attained.

The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first our own increase of knowledge secondly to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.

I don't think it's a good advert for any restaurant a fat chef and secondly who wants to eat a dessert when the chef's a fat pig.

Everything I am I owe to my faith and secondly to parents who were old school.

And secondly I would impose a significant state landfill tipping fee and use that tipping fee to fund the billion dollar bond issue that I want to create to produce the funds for all of the environmental challenges that we just went over.

Fracking is doable if there's full disclosure of all chemicals used. Secondly science dictates the policy rather than politics. Third there's collaboration between environmental groups and the natural gas industry.

I've used the prestige and influence of having been a president of the United States as effectively as possible. And secondly I've still been able to carry out my commitments to peace and human rights and environmental quality and freedom and democracy and so forth.