Search For sculpture In Quotes 23

Art works because it appeals to certain faculties of the mind. Music depends on details of the auditory system painting and sculpture on the visual system. Poetry and literature depend on language.

Colloquial poetry is to the real art as the barber's wax dummy is to sculpture.

The skull is nature's sculpture.

Music in performance is a type of sculpture. The air in the performance is sculpted into something.

Painting and sculpture are very archaic forms. It's the only thing left in our industrial society where an individual alone can make something with not just his own hands but brains imagination heart maybe.

We say to the British government: you have kept those sculptures for almost two centuries. You have cared for them as well as you could for which we thank you. But now in the name of fairness and morality please give them back.

Somebody informed me recently that the key to every art from writing to gardening to sculpture is creativity. I beg to differ.

When a finished work of 20th century sculpture is placed in an 18th century garden it is absorbed by the ideal representation of the past thus reinforcing political and social values that are no longer with us.

I've noticed a lot of younger artists have less fear of doing different sorts of things whether it's various types of music or gallery artists moving between video and sculpture and drawing.

What sculpture is to a block of marble education is to the soul.