Search For scholars In Quotes 31

Companies like I.B.M. have offered women scholarships to study engineering for years and women engineers routinely get higher starting salaries than men.

Looking ahead I believe that the underlying importance of higher education of science of technology of research and scholarship to our quality of life to the strength of our economy to our security in many dimensions will continue to be the most important message.

Women's sports is still in its infancy. The beginning of women's sports in the United States started in 1972 with the passage of Title 9 for girls to finally get athletic scholarships.

The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship.

I got a gymnastics scholarship to college fell in love with my true love of my whole life - who I'm married to now - and he was a virgin too. It was very romantic.

The respect for human rights essential if we are to use technology wisely is not something alien that must be grafted onto science. On the contrary it is integral to science as also to scholarship in general.

No account of the Renaissance can be complete without some notice of the attempt made by certain Italian scholars of the fifteenth century to reconcile Christianity with the religion of ancient Greece.

Many artists and scholars have pointed out that ultimately art depends on human nature.

Almost all the noblest things that have been achieved in the world have been achieved by poor men poor scholars poor professional men poor artisans and artists poor philosophers poets and men of genius.

So I applied to medical school and received a scholarship at Washington University in St. Louis. Washington University turned out to be a lucky choice. The faculty was scholarly and dedicated and accessible to students.

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About 25 years ago I started out as a reporter covering politics. And that sort of just evolved into organized crime because organized crime and politics were the same thing in Boston.