Search For savings In Quotes 22

It's time to stop the raid on the Social Security trust fund and start allowing Americans to invest their Social Security taxes in personal savings accounts.

Don't forget it's daylight savings time. You spring forward then you fall back. It's like Robert Downey Jr. getting out of bed.

It's disrespectful to tell the French in the morning that you're going to reduce the debt in the evening that you're not going to make any savings and the next morning after thinking about it that you're going to spend more.

Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum payment each month so they have more money to put into savings.

Your goal should be to pay off your credit card bills in full at the end of each month and set aside money toward your emergency savings.

A system of capitalism presumes sound money not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings not credit creation by a central bank.

Spending only what the country can afford rewarding savings encouraging independence supporting marriage: people know that these things are common sense.

I get so frustrated when people tell me it's unrealistic to create an eight-month emergency savings fund or have money saved for a home down payment or pay off their $5 000 credit card balance.

We can all agree that no American should lose their life savings or their home because of illness or injury and that the rising cost of health care severely burdens individuals families and businesses.

We designed both our state employee health plans and the one we created for low-income Hoosiers as Health Savings Accounts and now in the tens of thousands these citizens are proving that they are fully capable of making smart consumerist choices about their own health care.

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From the age of fifteen dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I know no other religion I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion religion as a mere sentiment is to me a dream and a mockery.