Search For saves In Quotes 21

War kills men and men deplore the loss but war also crushes bad principles and tyrants and so saves societies.

Sweat saves blood.

Fiction is a kind of compassion-generating machine that saves us from sloth. Is life kind or cruel? Yes Literature answers. Are people good or bad? You bet says Literature. But unlike other systems of knowing Literature declines to eradicate one truth in favor of another.

First love is a kind of vaccination which saves a man from catching the complaint the second time.

How much time he saves who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks.

The church saves sinners but science seeks to stop their manufacture.

The super power that I would choose would be compassion. Because that's what I think it takes to make it through life-an understanding a give and take. It saves an awful lot of resentment.

The positive heuristic of the programme saves the scientist from becoming confused by the ocean of anomalies.

I open with a clock striking to beget an awful attention in the audience - it also marks the time which is four o clock in the morning and saves a description of the rising sun and a great deal about gilding the eastern hemisphere.

As a former career intelligence professional I have a profound appreciation for the value of intelligence. Intelligence disrupts terrorist plots and thwarts attacks. Intelligence saves lives.

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I think our failure in the production of good town churches of distinctive character must have struck you often as it has me when contrasted with our comparative success in country churches.