Search For satisfy In Quotes 59

I love actors both my parents were actors and the work with actors is the most enjoyable part of making a film. It's important that they feel protected and are confident they won't be betrayed. When you create that atmosphere of trust it's in the bag - the actors will do everything to satisfy you.

Because when you have millions of people with this kind of need for gratification and the culture is saying that it's possible for everyone to satisfy all of their needs and desires all of the time there are obviously going to be clashes - clashes of ego.

I love what the Valley does. I love company building. I love startups. I love technology companies. I love new technology. I love this process of invention. Being able to participate in that as a founder and a product creator or as an investor or a board member I just find that hugely satisfying.

Success without honor is an unseasoned dish it will satisfy your hunger but it won't taste good.

I'm interested in that drive that rush to judgment that is so prevalent in our society.We all know that pleasurable rush that comes from condemning and in the short term it's quite a satisfying thing to do isn't it?

We didn't set out to be educators or even scientists and we don't purport that what we do is real science but we're demonstrating a methodology by which one can engage and satisfy your curiosity.

It's fun to sing sad songs. And it's fun to listen to sad songs. Enjoyable. Satisfying. Something.

I get some of my ideas from watching my three daughters but most of them come from my own memories of growing up. I can remember how romantic I was not just about love but romance in the classic sense - the romantic ideals: of honor and truth of loyalty sacrifice and fairness. Those were the elements that made a story satisfying to me.

Women today are dealing with both their independence and also the fact that their lives are built around finding and satisfying the romantic models we grew up with.

I had to satisfy the action fans the romantic fans the intellectual fans. It was a terrific burden.

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If a musician wants to be an actor everyone thinks that's pretty cool. But if an actor wants to play a song even if they've been doing it for 40 years that's bad news.