Search For sandwich In Quotes 16

It has been well said that a hungry man is more interested in four sandwiches than four freedoms.

I need to eat before a workout. If I exercise in the morning I'll have a little oatmeal cereal or a hard-boiled egg with toast. If I go in the afternoon I'll eat a turkey sandwich with cheese for lunch.

I lived at home and I cycled every morning to the railway station to travel by train to Johannesburg followed by a walk to the University carrying sandwiches for my lunch and returning in the evening the same way.

It means a lot in my business and its a wonderful feeling to be recognized for what you have done over a lifetime but I didn't go crazy. I still eat my cereal in the morning have a sandwich in the afternoon go to bed at night. You know nothing really different.

I'm from Manchester Mass. so it was lobster lobster and more lobster! Also lots of fish that we caught in the summers clam chowder and roast beef sandwiches. But my mom was pretty healthy we had a lot of chicken and broccoli and rice as well.

When I was 11 my friend's mom made a peanut butter sandwich. I ate the sandwich and was like 'I'm never eating anything else again.' And I still eat peanut butter every day. I would put peanut butter on a steak.

If I go into a sandwich shop or anywhere that features 'Today's specials' on a chalkboard more than 10 feet away I have to ask for a printed menu. I smile at people I don't know on the street and ignore those I do. When at home I often find myself grabbing my 'back-up' glasses to search for the better-loved pair I have left on top of my dresser.

If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

When I travel I normally eat club sandwiches or I bring my own food. When you go into a new town it's very had to find a good place to eat.

Everyone prefers some foods over others but some adults take this tendency to an extreme. These people tend to prefer the kinds of bland food they may have enjoyed as children - such as plain or buttered pasta macaroni and cheese cheese pizza French fries and grilled cheese sandwiches - and to restrict their eating to just a few dishes.

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