Search For rightly In Quotes 33

Rightly defined philosophy is simply the love of wisdom.

The President's political travel is going to get blamed (and probably rightly) for a share of this downturn.

We shouldn't build a technology to colour or grey out what people say. The media in general is balanced although there are a lot of issues to be addressed that the media rightly pick up on.

Go forget me - why should sorrow O'er that brow a shadow fling? Go forget me - and tomorrow brightly smile and sweetly sing. Smile - though I shall not be near thee Sing - though I shall never hear thee.

To pursue science is not to disparage the things of the spirit. In fact to pursue science rightly is to furnish the framework on which the spirit may rise.

I think more and more respect has been accorded to teachers and quite rightly so.

For in the true nature of things if we rightly consider every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.

These flowers which were splendid and sprightly waking in the dawn of the morning in the evening will be a pitiful frivolity sleeping in the cold night's arms.

To love rightly is to love what is orderly and beautiful in an educated and disciplined way.

The main purpose of life is to live rightly think rightly act rightly. The soul must languish when we give all our thought to the body.