Search For represents In Quotes 34

When written in Chinese the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.

The military might of a country represents its national strength. Only when it builds up its military might in every way can it develop into a thriving country.

When you come in to court as a plaintiff or as a defendant it is terribly important that you look up at the bench and feel that that person represents you and will understand you that that person is reflective of our community and of our society.

Law represents the effort of man to organize society governments the efforts of selfishness to overthrow liberty.

Yeah but there's nobody who represents romance to me like Cary Grant.

For many the hijab represents modesty piety and devotion to God and I truly respect that. But the hijab should not be used as a means of applying social pressure on people.

Every week I get letters from people worldwide who feel that the possibilian point of view represents their understanding better than either religion or neo-atheism.

Of course God is endlessly multi-dimensional so every religion that exists on earth represents some face some side of God.

Blackheart Records being 25 years old represents staying power and the fact that we weren't able to get a record out through conventional means so we had to create this record company to put out our records if we wanted to be a band that had records to give out to their fans.

In any case in so far as our knowledge of the universe carries us the advent of civilization for the first time on our globe represents the highest ascent of the life processes to which evolution had anywhere attained.

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Spirituality does two things for you. One you are forced to become more selfless two you trust to providence. The opposite of a spiritual man is a materialist. If I was a materialist I would be making lots of money doing endorsements doing cricket commentary. I have no interest in that.