Search For reminds In Quotes 23

When women kiss it always reminds one of prize fighters shaking hands.

The Wedding March always reminds me of the music played when soldiers go into battle.

I have no plans to have any other home than Moscow. However I love to travel and I'm very comfortable in New York. In many ways it reminds me of Moscow in its energy and drive.

My husband Rhashan reminds me of my father because he's got great strength of character.

To me the blues is an infection. I don't think it's necessarily a melancholy thing the blues can be really positive and I think I think anyone and everyone can have a place for the blues. It need not always a woeful sorrowful thing. It's more reflective it reminds you to feel.

When power leads man toward arrogance poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts poetry cleanses.

Remaining vigilant toward this ever-present threat means constantly learning how better to protect ourselves. But primarily it reminds us that we must fight and win the war on terror so that we do not have to fight it here in America.

Jamal Crawford reminds me the most of myself the way he goes to the basket. But they need leadership.

The combination of landing the biggest interview of my career and having a drill in my back reminds me that God only gives us what we can handle and that it helps to have a good sense of humor when we run smack into the absurdity of life.

Families are the tie that reminds us of yesterday provide strength and support today and give us hope for tomorrow. No government no matter how well-intentioned or well-managed can provide what our families provide.

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You all know that each title in the Chronicles has a chess theme that's partly because of the overall design of the Chronicles themselves - the game of chess as an analogue of the game of life.