Search For related In Quotes 54

My favorite play in drama school was 'The Bacchae.' It's about a king who literally gets eaten alive by all the women in the play in a kind of orgy - it's related to the word 'bacchanal' - and I loved that idea of animalistic chaos and following our own desires.

On the justification for the war it wasn't related to finding any particular weapon of mass destruction.

Domestic travel and tourism-related spending has reached $1 trillion a year.

Half of Google's revenue comes from selling text-based ads that are placed near search results and are related to the topic of the search. Another half of its revenues come from licensing its search technology to companies like Yahoo.

I think that Sufism fits all over the world. The concept is not anything that fits standard Western ideas - it's always related to culture to music to religion. It is a dominant religion in Senegal.

There is a relationship between cartooning and people like Mir= and Picasso which may not be understood by the cartoonist but it definitely is related even in the early Disney.

This book is about physics and its about physics and its relationship with mathematics and how they seem to be intimately related and to what extent can you explore this relationship and trust it.

Any long work in which poetry is persistent be it epic or drama or narrative is really a succession of separate poetic experiences governed into a related whole by an energy distinct from that which evoked them.

Most people can't tell now who wrote what. I like that blurring of identities within the band. because it becomes a unified thing that can't be related to other forms of historical poetry.

Retaliation is related to nature and instinct not to law. Law by definition cannot obey the same rules as nature.