Search For regret In Quotes 114

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.

I was a senior in high school when I decided I wanted to work on ants as a career. I just fell in love with them and have never regretted it.

I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.

I believe the war on terror is the vital discussion of this decade and of our generation probably. To win the war on terror you need a good offense and a good defense. On defense I regret to say basically this administration has not come close to doing what is necessary.

It was my duty to shoot the enemy and I don't regret it. My regrets are for the people I couldn't save: Marines soldiers buddies. I'm not naive and I don't romanticize war. The worst moments of my life have come as a SEAL. But I can stand before God with a clear conscience about doing my job.

I have absolutely no regret about my vote against this war. The same questions remain. The cost in human lives the cost to our budget probably 100 billion. We could have probably brought down that statue for a lot less.

I was the guy who was constantly speaking out against the Vietnam War. I have no regrets about that.

The day will come however when they will truly know the Unification Church and me. The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught. On that day their regret will be deep.

Not that I regret saying what I believed to be the truth but I regret anything that I might have written or spoken that could have been used in a way to help to foster that atmosphere out of which came the loss of life of Brother Malcolm.

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.