Search For reform In Quotes 137

Reform is not pleasant but grievous no person can reform themselves without suffering and hard work how much less a nation.

Analysts may be correct that the presidential election won't primarily turn on entitlements reform but by choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate Mitt Romney can contrary to conventional wisdom make it a winning issue and lay the foundation for a reform mandate when he wins.

What we want to do is reform the welfare system in the way that Tony Blair talked about 13 years ago but never achieved - a system that was created for the days after the Second World War. That prize is now I think achievable.

Emancipation came to the colored race in America as a war measure. It was an act of military necessity. Manifestly it would have come without war in the slower process of humanitarian reform and social enlightenment.

War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is the sooner it will be over.

We need first of all the reform of our justice system. We need reform of the education system because of quality of education because of innovation and technology. And we need administrative reform. Too much bureaucracy.

You cannot reform your society or institution without opening your mind.

To give up the task of reforming society is to give up one's responsibility as a free man.

If you say I'm for equal pay that's a reform. But if you say. I'm a feminist that's a transformation of society.

Most people in this society who aren't actively mad are at best reformed or potential lunatics.

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Well our position and our chairman has talked about this extensively is that we had a lot of intelligence prior to 9/11. We knew that two al Qaeda operatives who ultimately participated in the 9/11 disaster were in the United States. We didn't find them.