Search For reflects In Quotes 35

Easter is reflecting upon suffering for one thing but it also reflects upon Jesus and his non compliance in the face of great authority where he holds to his truth - so there's two stories there.

New terms used like 'overseas contingency operation' instead of the word 'war' - that reflects a worldview that is out of touch with the enemy that we face. We can't spin our way out of this threat.

The trust of the people in the leaders reflects the confidence of the leaders in the people.

The recent fascination I think reflects the shift in approach by law enforcement officials to embrace technology as wholeheartedly as the rest of the world.

It reflects a prevailing myth that production technology is no more amenable to human judgment or social interests than the laws of thermodynamics atomic structure or biological inheritance.

Cinema reflects culture and there is no harm in adapting technology but not at the cost of losing your originality.

We all have to announce our full solidarity with the struggle of those seeking freedom and justice in Syria and translate this sympathy into a clear political vision that supports a peaceful transition to a democratic system of rule that reflects the demands of the Syrian people for freedom.

Watching people just look out for themselves I think is extremely interesting. It goes right back to something like 'The Beggar's Opera' - the underbelly of society how it operates and how that reflects their so-called betters.

Most of them are pretty down records pretty unhappy pretty confused. Which only reflects how people in general were feeling I mean really the sense that you get is society running down.

Advertising reflects the mores of society but it does not influence them.