Search For recognizing In Quotes 13

To deal with the true causes of war one must begin by recognizing as of prime relevancy to the solution of the problem the familiar fact that civilization is a partial incomplete and to a great extent superficial modification of barbarism.

But that citizen's perception was also at one with the truth in recognizing that the very brutality of the means by which the IRA were pursuing change was destructive of the trust upon which new possibilities would have to be based.

Teachers started recognizing me and praising me for being smart in science and that made me want to be even smarter in science!

Balance peace and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.

It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves and if you're not comfortable within yourself you can't be comfortable with others.

Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead.

I think one of the keys to leadership is recognizing that everybody has gifts and talents. A good leader will learn how to harness those gifts toward the same goal.

'A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints' was the first real actor-actor part I did and I hope I to do more. Action movies are fun but I'd be happy not to do them if there are better roles.

We are spending most of our time in American health care fixing the mistakes that either we in the profession are causing or our patients are without recognizing it causing to themselves.

The wisdom and experience of older people is a resource of inestimable worth. Recognizing and treasuring the contributions of older people is essential to the long-term flourishing of any society.