Search For realist In Quotes 49

I wouldn't recommend young kids see 'Speedway Junkie.' It's definitely an age-appropriate movie - dark and realistic and edgy. If young kids want to see me go see the Christmas movie.

If something is irrational that means it won't work. It's usually unrealistic.

You have to find out what's right for you so it's trial and error. You are going to be all right if you accept realistic goals for yourself.

I'm actually reading 'World War Z' again! It's incredibly realistic and it's written as an oral history through interviews with different characters. Max Brooks wrote this book in so many different voices. There are about forty or so. It's incredible. When I finish 'World War Z' I'm going to go back and start again on the 'Game of Thrones' series.

The surrealists and the modern movement in painting as a whole seemed to offer a key to the strange postwar world with its threat of nuclear war. The dislocations and ambiguities in cubism and abstract art as well as the surrealists reminded me of my childhood in Shanghai.

To say that you now trust the Russian military command and control system because some Russian general told you from the bottom of his heart that's the case strikes me as most unrealistic.

You have teenagers thinking they're going to make millions as NBA stars when that's not realistic for even 1 percent of them. Becoming a scientist or engineer is.

My job requires me to put on a little dress and run around the streets of New York in heels. But I also had the financial means to hire a yoga teacher to come to my house while my sitter watched the newborn. For 95 percent of the world that's not realistic.

The kind of theater that I do is sort of 'narrative realism ' which I think in the broadest sense is legitimate to say is mainstream. I mean in a certain sense Suzan-Lori's plays have had mainstream levels of success. But Suzan-Lori is in some ways not a narrative realist.

I'm an eternal realist and the success rate for being an actor is pretty low.

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I have seen doctors in good faith leave patients on steroids for years thinking they are doing right. A friend of mine was on steroids for so long she has severe osteoporosis.