Search For readily In Quotes 15

Gradually I came to realize that people will more readily swallow lies than truth as if the taste of lies was homey appetizing: a habit.

Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion.

The more intense the nature of a man the more readily will he find meditation and the more successfully will he practice it.

Men are so simple and yield so readily to the desires of the moment that he who will trick will always find another who will suffer to be tricked.

When it comes to gossip I have to readily admit men are as guilty as women.

Meth is too easy to make and unfortunately right now all the ingredients need to make this highly addictive drug are legal and readily available to those who want to cook it up and sell it to our children.

It will be readily admitted that a degree conferred by an university ought to be a pledge to the public that he who holds it possesses a certain quantity of knowledge.

Memories imagination old sentiments and associations are more readily reached through the sense of smell than through any other channel.

Those who are incapable of committing great crimes do not readily suspect them in others.

The abdomen is the reason why man does not readily take himself to be a god.