Search For rapper In Quotes 16

All the rappers my age are getting Audemars and Rolexes. I want to find my own thing. That's why I travel the world - for me that's my B-side why we go places. I have a Hublot on from time to time but I want a home base watch - something that's elegant but has got a little pizzazz to it.

I would suggest that teachers show their students concrete examples of the negative effects of the actions that gangsta rappers glorify.

I always envisioned myself being a rapper and being in the game and having success but you never know what it feels like or how you're going to be when you're there.

My mom used to say that I became a fighter and a scrapper and a tough guy to protect who I am at my core.

To me the Seventies were very inspirational and very influential... With my whole persona as Snoop Dogg as a person as a rapper. I just love the Seventies style the way all the players dressed nice you know kept their hair looking good drove sharp cars and they talked real slick.

Nevertheless most of the evergreen forests of the north must always remain the home of wild animals and trappers a backward region in which it is easy for a great fur company to maintain a practical monopoly.

Why shouldn't rap be esoteric able to take in current events history and criticism? I guess it's this old idea of containment - that rappers because they're black can't and shouldn't aspire to look outside the ghetto for influence.

We have wasted History like a bunch of drunks shooting dice back in the men's crapper of the local bar.

I was a hop-around. I hung out with the rockabilly crew the guys who were trying to be rappers the funny kids.

You know fame is a funny thing man especially you know actors musicians rappers rock singers it's kind of a lifestyle and it's easy to get caught up in it - you go to bars you go to clubs everyone's doing a certain thing... It's tough.