Search For quirk In Quotes 12

I get along very well with the cast of '30 Rock.' I guess I bring a certain quirkiness to the show as well. I'm just thankful they keep asking me. I didn't think I was going to be asked back so every time they say 'We want you back ' I'm screaming. I'm jumping up and down and screaming.

Bad quirky poetry might be better than some of the good stuff because it really comes from the heart.

In athletics there's always been a willingness to cheat if it looks like you're not cheating. I think that's just a quirk of human nature.

I'm not an especially highbrow person but I have always loved small quirky edgy movies.

However my parents - both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing quirk that would never pay a mortgage or secure a pension.

A film that I love is 'Raising Arizona' and that's funny but it's quite indie and weird and odd and quirky. I'd love to do something like that. Who knows?

I wanted to be that quirky girl who writes funny songs that still have meaning.

People don't know where to place me. Terry Gilliam used me as a quirky cop in 'Twelve Monkeys' and then he hired me again to be an effeminate hotel clerk in 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'. Another time I was shooting this indie film 'The Souler Opposite' and six days a week I'm playing this big puppy dog then I come to the 'NYPD Blue' set and become this scumbag.

I'm the one who's dating the craft-service guy instead of the producer. Plus if a producer is going to date a hot young thing I'm probably not the first person on their list - the weird quirky funny girl.

I just really like fun cool interesting quirky girls. And sometimes you find that in 6'2 model bodies and sometimes they're short and brunette. All shapes and sizes - it's really about the personality. That sounds cliche but it's so freaking true!