Search For qualify In Quotes 15

I'm just an individual who doesn't feel that I need to have somebody qualify my work in any particular way. I'm working for me.

You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will.

That said ID does not qualify as science because it gives us nothing to test or measure. Science requires replicable tests involving measurable variables.

Twenty five percent of Israeli citizens are not even Jewish. Anybody can become an Israeli citizen if you qualify. Religion is not a criterion for citizenship.

Well there are about 10 million children that aren't covered by health insurance. About 3 million qualify for Medicaid but don't get it so we're going to reach out and bring more of those kids into the Medicaid program.

I'm a filmmaker who decided to go to culinary school. All I picked up was the fact if I didn't understand what was going on with every single ingredient I could be qualifying for like the lunch food job at my daughter's school.

Today if you look at financial systems around the globe more than half the population of the world - out of six billion people more than three billion - do not qualify to take out a loan from a bank. This is a shame.

When I'm on my own I can be negative. I need my friends and family around to help pick me up if I've had a bad qualifying session. I think insecurity plagues a lot of sportspeople.

I've always been attracted to cars and driving is a completely measurable experience: if you qualify last on the grid you're the slowest and if you qualify first on the grid you're the fastest. So no one can say you're slow if you're fast and no one can say you're fast if you're slow.

Stewardesses are still paid so little that in many cases new hires qualify for food stamps.