Search For purity In Quotes 24

It is astonishing what force purity and wisdom it requires for a human being to keep clear of falsehoods.

Purity engenders Wisdom Passion avarice and Ignorance folly infatuation and darkness.

Basically fundamentalism is a modern phenomenon. In the same way that Hitler evoked a mythological religion of German purity and the glory of the past the Islamists use religion to evoke emotions and passions in people who have been oppressed for a long time in order to reach their purpose.

No religion can long continue to maintain its purity when the church becomes the subservient vassal of the state.

Well purity - there's no purity in politics.

The way to preserve the peace of the church is to preserve its purity.

Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.

I'm not claiming divinity. I've never claimed purity of soul. I've never claimed to have the answers to life. I only put out songs and answer questions as honestly as I can... But I still believe in peace love and understanding.

It is hard to see Judge Roberts as a judicial activist who would place ideological purity or a particular agenda above or ahead the need for thoughtful legal reasoning.

Throughout human history the apostles of purity those who have claimed to possess a total explanation have wrought havoc among mere mixed-up human beings.

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Part of the joy of music is listening to lots of different kinds of music and learning from it. Specifically for me I like writing songs that move me and what moves me are beautiful songs on the piano or the guitar and really really heavy music.