Search For prove In Quotes 414

What I had to prove was that I had a dedication and a desire and a passion to do the work and everything else would fall in place because I have a vision that I want to portray and it did and I do it. I don't sell anything.

You can work really hard but if you're not training in the right way you're not going to improve and get to the level that you want to.

This has always been a motto of mine: Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.

Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.

A treatment method or an educational method that will work for one child may not work for another child. The one common denominator for all of the young children is that early intervention does work and it seems to improve the prognosis.

To honor our national promise to our veterans we must continue to improve services for our men and women in uniform today and provide long overdue benefits for the veterans and military retirees who have already served.

Basically women have to prove they are strong at all times. And then when they go on the attack they have to not appear mean because those women often get the label of being catty.

A proverb is the wisdom of many and the wit of one.

If they can prove that I am wrong by that time I will give it up to their wisdom but not after to any one's judgment till I see the end of another year for the Lord will begin with a new century and I will see what he will do before I will hearken to any man's judgment.

Surely God on high has not refused to give us enough wisdom to find ways to bring us an improvement in relations between the two great nations on earth.

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We are watching industries crumble Wall Street firms disappear unemployment spike and unprecedented government intervention. And our designated opinion leaders want to know: Is Obama up this week? Is he down? And is his leadership style more like Bill Clinton's or Abraham Lincoln's?