Search For prostitute In Quotes 11

Aren't women prudes if they don't and prostitutes if they do?

All women who kill or have sexual obsessions or who are prostitutes have trouble with their fathers.

We are all murderers and prostitutes - no matter to what culture society class nation one belongs no matter how normal moral or mature one takes oneself to be.

I do think that at one time being an actress was the equivalent almost of being a prostitute. It garnered roughly the same respect. That's changed a lot thank goodness.

When you think about it we actors are kind of prostitutes. We get paid to feign attraction and love. Other people are paying to watch us kissing someone touching someone doing things people in a normal monogamous relationship would never do with anyone who's not their partner. It's really kind of gross.

The very idea of true patriotism is lost and the term has been prostituted to the very worst of purposes. A patriot sir! Why patriots spring up like mushrooms!

The music industry can make you feel like a prostitute.

I'm so intrigued by women throughout history where the significance of what they were representing at that time is obscured by the fact a man saved them or they were prostitutes.

The great nations have always acted like gangsters and the small nations like prostitutes.

A good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does loves him in the day like a sister does and pleases him like a prostitute in the night.