Search For promote In Quotes 94

Despite the encouraging and wonderful gains and the changes for women which have occurred in my lifetime there is still room to advance and to promote correction of the remaining deficiencies and imbalances.

We learned in World War II that no single nation holds a monopoly on wisdom morality or right to power but that we must fight for the weak and promote democracy.

Cliches about supporting the troops are designed to distract from failed policies policies promoted by powerful special interests that benefit from war anything to steer the discussion away from the real reasons the war in Iraq will not end anytime soon.

I teach for the Book Trust which promotes reading and writing with children.

I travel a lot to promote the perfumes and to do the commercials.

I'm so fascinated by the concept of teen pregnancy for some reason. Not that I condone it or promote it but it's just a very real thing in our country and culture.

A vital step for the technology sector is to signpost legitimate search options far more clearly and to delete links to sites that promote illegally sourced content.

Evolution acts slowly. Our psychological characteristics today are those that promoted reproductive success in the ancestral environmen.

That's the biggest problem with boxing in the United States. They do not promote it like they used to when it used to be Howard Cosell and they showed it on 'Wide World of Sports.' Everybody knew all the fighters. Everybody was looking forward to the year when the Olympics came on.

Conservatism is a hard choice for a society that has become accustomed to big government and big entitlements promoted by liberals.