Search For profits In Quotes 24

Racism in the first place is a weapon used by the wealthy to increase the profits they bring in by paying Black workers less for their work.

When war comes two things happen - profits go way way up and all perishables go way way down. There becomes a market for them.

War is a racket. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

Non-profits must become deeply engaged in the ways that their donor communities are using social technology.

Through their own actions customers can hold companies responsible to higher standards of social responsibility. Through collective action they can leverage their dollars to combat the force of those investors who myopically pursue profits at the expense of the rest of society.

The oil companies regard nuclear power as their rival who will reduce their profits so they put out a lot of disinformation about nuclear power.

I believe that the profits will come from the quality of your creative products. Since the beginning I've always wanted to develop a self-feeding circle of creative productions: the positive financial returns from one show would be used to develop and create a new show and so on.

The thing that's protected me creatively is that the movies have made profits.

Drug prohibition has caused gang warfare and other violent crimes by raising the prices of drugs so much that vicious criminals enter the market to make astronomical profits and addicts rob and steal to get money to pay the inflated prices for their drugs.

Arab leaders worry more about making money from the profits they get from oil and gas that they turn the other way when Lebanon is being destroyed right next to them. Their neighbours are being murdered but they only make calculations for their own benefit.

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The communitarians may say you've been enjoying too much individual freedom and that you must give up some of that for the benefit of the community. But they really mean that they want more power over your life - to force you to subsidize obey and conform to their choices.