Search For procedure In Quotes 24

I support any procedure that allows photographers to express themselves whether that involves color black and white platinum palladium and digital technology.

I don't think the objective of an abortion clinic is to try to talk women out of having the procedure. That obviously would not be positive for their bottom line.

Poetry is but another form of inquiry into the nature of phenomena using with its own unique procedures and tools.

I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It's not. Mine had me trained in two days.

I unfortunately had a lot of medical procedures throughout my life so I decided to paint all of my surgeries as a way to heal and as a way to grow.

The technology used to detect if vehicles are carrying radioactive material is so sensitive it can tell if a person recently received radiation as part of a medical procedure.

Procedures outside the stadiums and in the parking areas still need to be optimized for example so that emergency medical services can leave the grounds on their way to the hospital faster.

Informed consent is required for every invasive medical procedure from getting your ears pierced to having an abortion.

Abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life.

Doctors coin money when they do procedures but family medicine doesn't have any procedures.

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I have never seen a game's graphics look so sharp and clean. The sound design for the game is also unique on the Xbox. The memory on this system allowed us to provide the user with 5.1 Dolby surround sound for home theatre owners.