Search For prevention In Quotes 12

The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention argues that no two countries that are both part of the same global supply chain will ever fight a war as long as they are each part of that supply chain.

As a player I was fortunate to work with coaching and medical staffs that underscored the importance of utilizing injury prevention exercises which contributed to my healthy and long playing career.

Medical science has proven time and again that when the resources are provided great progress in the treatment cure and prevention of disease can occur.

Since the reduction of risk factors is the scientific basis for primary prevention the World Health Organization promotes the development of an integrated strategy for prevention of several diseases rather than focusing on individual ones.

Intervention for the prevention and control of osteoporosis should comprise a combination of legislative action educational measures health service activities media coverage and individual counselling to initiate changes in behaviour.

Over 120 Aboriginal communities run their own health services - some have been doing so for 30 years. They struggle with difficult medical problems. They also try to deal with counselling stolen generations issues family relationships violence suicide prevention.

Prevention is one of the few known ways to reduce demand for health and aged care services.

Today the demands are for even higher standards in the quality of care for greater flexibility and convenience in treatment times and for more prevention through screening and health checks.

America's health care system is in crisis precisely because we systematically neglect wellness and prevention.

It's about time we make the well-being of our young people more important than ideology and politics. As a country we benefit from investing in their future by investing in teen pregnancy prevention.

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A lot of times we're just sold these movies that are really cynically conceived and marketed and they just want you there opening weekend before everybody finds out it's not so good.