Search For posture In Quotes 12

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.

He who stands with his face to the East in the morning will have the sun before him. If he does not change his posture the Earth in the meantime having changed its he will have the sun no longer before him but behind.

We must expect to fail... but fail in a learning posture determined no to repeat the mistakes and to maximize the benefits from what is learned in the process.

It is quite true as some poets said that the God who created man must have had a sinister sense of humor creating him a reasonable being yet forcing him to take this ridiculous posture and driving him with blind craving for this ridiculous performance.

Irish women are always carrying water on their heads and always carrying their husbands home from pubs. Such things are the greatest posture-builders in the world.

When a woman puts on a heel she has a different posture a different attitude. She really stands up and has a consciousness of her body.

We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect.

It is not the body's posture but the heart's attitude that counts when we pray.

Pilates is amazing my posture is so much better and I'm even starting to get muscles on my tummy - it's incredible.

The seated lotus postures are an amazing way to go into meditation or simply just to take a moment to ground oneself.

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The thing that interests me least about the radio business is the radio business. But I've had to learn a little bit about it. It's not rocket science: You get ratings that's good.