Search For possess In Quotes 222

After all my possessions had been burned God gave me the wisdom to return to Jerusalem.

Any successful nominee should possess both the temperament to interpret the law and the wisdom to do so fairly. The next Supreme Court Justice should have a record of protecting individual rights and a strong willingness to put aside any political agenda.

The thing that we possess that machines don't is the ability to exhibit wisdom.

Wisdom and understanding can only become the possession of individual men by travelling the old road of observation attention perseverance and industry.

Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense.

Honesty is the rarest wealth anyone can possess and yet all the honesty in the world ain't lawful tender for a loaf of bread.

In a world of inhumanity war and terrorism American citizenship is a very precious possession.

Britain which in the years immediately before this war was rapidly losing such democratic virtues as it possessed is now being bombed and burned into democracy.

God help us from those who believe that they are the sole possessors of truth. How we manage at times to agree willingly to become prisoners within our own minds and souls of beliefs and ideas on which we can never be flexible.

Many speak the truth when they say that they despise riches but they mean the riches possessed by others.