Search For pleasant In Quotes 54

Reform is not pleasant but grievous no person can reform themselves without suffering and hard work how much less a nation.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts foreign ideas alien philosophies and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

Then trust me there's nothing like drinking So pleasant on this side of the grave: It keeps the unhappy from thinking And makes e'en the valiant more brave.

There are three roads to ruin women gambling and technicians. The most pleasant is with women the quickest is with gambling but the surest is with technicians.

The Sunday School teacher talked too much in the way our grade school teacher used to when she told us about George Washington. Pleasant pretty stories but not true.

Arnold Palmer has what I call an 'Eisenhower smile'. Those two men they'd smile and their whole faces would look so pleasant it was like they were smiling all over.

It seems I have a hard time being attracted to someone unless I respect what they do on some level. Otherwise I would feel disdain for them. Which is not always pleasant in a relationship. Sometimes it's fun though.

The end of poetry is not to create a physical condition which shall give pleasure to the mind... The end of poetry is not an after-effect not a pleasurable memory of itself but an immediate constant and even unpleasant insistence upon itself.

How pleasant it is for a father to sit at his child's board. It is like an aged man reclining under the shadow of an oak which he has planted.

Now if you are like me - if you are like practically anybody in America - then you probably hold some negative opinions about the French based upon movies rumors recent headlines unfortunate run-ins with Parisian waiters or... you know... all that unpleasantness surrounding the Vichy regime.