Search For planned In Quotes 36

Every indication of wisdom taken from the effect is equally an indication of power to execute what wisdom planned.

When I planned my wedding the first time my ex-husband and I we were both struggling comics. I had a TV show that had gotten cancelled. Basically I rented a wedding gown the reception hall smelled like feet.

We never had planned to hijack a ship. We never thought of any war plans outside the Palestinian lands. We wished that the program had not failed and then the warriors could have achieved their goals.

Intel's still our main partner. We have not announced anything with AMD and don't have anything planned but we're constantly being aware to make sure our customers get the best technology.

The Cox Report documents a systematic well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization.

I planned my success. I knew it was going to happen.

When my TV show 'Sports Jobs with Junior Seau ' assigned me to be a 'Sports Illustrated' reporter for a weekend I didn't realize I'd have to squeeze it in around another sports job. I had planned to retire from the NFL to enjoy the cushy lifestyle of a full-time reality TV star but I wound up getting run over by a bull.

9/11 was a deliberate carefully planned evil act of the long-waged war on the West by Koran-inspired soldiers of Allah around the world. They hated us before George W. Bush was in office. They hated us before Israel existed. And the avengers of the religion of perpetual outrage will keep hating us.

In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way.

I wrote The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God in five hours but I had it all planned out. It isn't poetry and it does not pretend to be but it does what it sets out to do.