Search For permit In Quotes 66

No theory is good unless it permits not rest but the greatest work. No theory is good except on condition that one use it to go on beyond.

Why is it men are permitted to be obsessed about their work but women are only permitted to be obsessed about men?

I am aware that a philosopher's ideas are not subject to the judgment of ordinary persons because it is his endeavour to seek the truth in all things to the extent permitted to human reason by God.

The pursuit of truth does not permit violence on one's opponent.

Originally the dream was about traveling and developing a job that would permit me to travel. And I decided to go into street performing because it was a traveling job it would let me go around the world.

Television is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time and yet remain lonesome.

I am not officially involved now in the direction of the Teen Challenge ministry but I rejoice that God permits me to be the father of these ministries.

Technology has a shadow side. It accounts for real progress in medicine but has also hurt it in many ways making it more impersonal expensive and dangerous. The false belief that a safety net of sophisticated drugs and machines stretches below us permitting risky or lazy lifestyle choices has undermined our spirit of self-reliance.

You know I believe that technology is the great leveler. Technology permits anybody to play. And in some ways I think technology - it's not only a great tool for democratization but it's a great tool for eliminating prejudice and advancing meritocracies.

If I had permitted my failures or what seemed to me at the time a lack of success to discourage me I cannot see any way in which I would ever have made progress.

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My favorite play in drama school was 'The Bacchae.' It's about a king who literally gets eaten alive by all the women in the play in a kind of orgy - it's related to the word 'bacchanal' - and I loved that idea of animalistic chaos and following our own desires.