Search For perceptions In Quotes 15

Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe.

I'm not interested in trying to work on people's perceptions. I am who I am and if you don't take the time to learn about that then your perception is going to be your problem.

The miracles of the church seem to me to rest not so much upon faces or voices or healing power coming suddenly near to us from afar off but upon our perceptions being made finer so that for a moment our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there about us always.

No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive create or produce but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves their perceptions and emotions and to build confidence in the creative spirit.

All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions.

It has always surprised me how little attention philosophers have paid to humor since it is a more significant process of mind than reason. Reason can only sort out perceptions but the humor process is involved in changing them.

In a sense words are encyclopedias of ignorance because they freeze perceptions at one moment in history and then insist we continue to use these frozen perceptions when we should be doing better.

Words matter especially words defining complicated political arrangements because they shape perceptions of the events of the past attitudes toward policies being carried out in the present and expectations about desirable directions for the future.

Spirit borrows from matter the perceptions on which it feeds and restores them to matter in the form of movements which it has stamped with its own freedom.

Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions.