Search For payment In Quotes 23

The time to save is now. When a dog gets a bone he doesn't go out and make a down payment on a bigger bone. He buries the one he's got.

At its most basic the democratic contract is a simple one: the right to vote comes with a responsibility to society through tax payments and citizenship.

When I was in Philadelphia during the Depression in 1930 or '31 I got a very sad job as a night watchman in a garage. The cars in the garage had been abandoned by their owners since they had lost their jobs and couldn't keep up the payments.

If our nation goes over a financial Niagara we won't have much strength and eventually we won't have peace. We are currently borrowing the entire defense budget from foreign investors. Within a few years we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security. That is not as our military friends say a 'robust strategy.'

But if our nation goes over a financial Niagara we won't have much strength and eventually we won't have peace. We are currently borrowing the entire defense budget from foreign investors. Within a few years we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security. That is not as our military friends say a 'robust strategy.'

Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum payment each month so they have more money to put into savings.

The sort of thinking at the time was 'Well we're giving you access to medical care which you wouldn't otherwise be able to get so your payment is that we get to use you in research.'

I get so frustrated when people tell me it's unrealistic to create an eight-month emergency savings fund or have money saved for a home down payment or pay off their $5 000 credit card balance.

One state retiree 49 years old paid over the course of his entire career a total of $124 000 towards his retirement pension and health benefits. What will we pay him? $3.3 million in pension payments over his life and nearly $500 000 for health care benefits - a total of $3.8m on a $120 000 investment.

Every year the Federal Government wastes billions of dollars as a result of overpayments of government agencies misuse of government credit cards abuse of the Federal entitlement programs and the mismanagement of the Federal bureaucracy.