Search For oxygen In Quotes 13

The movies have got more corporate they're making fewer movies in general and those they are making are all $200-$300m tent-pole releases that eat up all the oxygen.

Money isn't the most important thing in life but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the 'gotta have it' scale.

Democratic nations must try to find ways to starve the terrorist and the hijacker of the oxygen of publicity on which they depend.

Singing really oxygenates your blood. You stretch your lungs and take in much more air into them than before. It's really good for your health.

For science must breathe the oxygen of freedom.

But on average I go to the gym about four or five times a week. Today I'm so experienced in training - I'm actually listening to my body now. My body needs freedom. When I train I create serenity and I produce oxygen in my blood. It helps me to think better and relax. By training you accentuate the problem.

I was interested by the idea that artists working in a totalitarian dictatorship or tsarist autocracy are secretly and slightly shamefully envied by artists who work in freedom. They have the gratification of intense interest: the authorities want to put them in jail while there are younger readers for whom what they write is pure oxygen.

Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.

If the human condition were the periodic table maybe love would be hydrogen at No. 1. Death would be helium at No. 2. Power I reckon would be where oxygen is.

There are some people who walk into a room and they oxygenate it by their very being there's fresh air. Then there are those who come in with the smell of death and they suck the life out.

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To this day some of my closest friends say 'Gaga you know everything's great. You're a singer your dreams have come true.' But still when certain things are said to you over and over again as you're growing up it stays with you and you wonder if they're true.