Search For outdo In Quotes 22

The denominational world tries to pressure its members to focus on the birth of Christ but in doing so layers of guilt are imposed and competition gets complicated as one Christmas program tries to outdo the other.

For a long time all I wanted for Christmas were books about outdoor survival. I was convinced that the woods were calling me. I camped a lot I took classes. At 18 I told myself if I don't live in the woods by myself by the time I'm 25 I have failed.

It's just an unhealthy way to approach something trying to outdo your last thing. You've gotta trust evolution you've gotta trust that the bar is moving that you don't need to force the bar. It'll just happen.

I love to take risks I love to travel and I'm very outdoor-sy so any girl who can pick up a football and throw a spiral will definitely catch my attention.

I wasn't a ballet baby. My first dance class was in an outdoor pavilion when I was three. It was called 'creative movement.' The teacher gave us chiffon scarves in beautiful colors. She turned on some music and said 'Now go dance.' So for me dance has always been about self-expression.

When launching a product called an Energy Drink and named Red Bull a product that stimulates body and mind it is a short step to the roots where Red Bull came from. We have been doing this for 20 years - now it's called adventure sports extreme sports and outdoor sports.

I was focused on athletics outdoors sports.

Skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face.

I push every day against forces that say you have to go faster be more effective be more productive you have to constantly outdo yourself you have to constantly outdo your neighbor - all of the stuff that creates an incredibly productive society but also a very neurotic one.

Growing up in northern California has had a big influence on my love and respect for the outdoors. When I lived in Oakland we would think nothing of driving to Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz one day and then driving to the foothills of the Sierras the next day.

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As you watch the world crumble try taking your Armageddon with this sprinkling of irony: Over the last three decades business has got virtually everything it wanted and its doomsday scenario from the 1970s has come true because of it.