Search For outcome In Quotes 42

We have no control over the outcome of anything. Like the planet and global warming we don't control that. If politicians want a war we don't control that. Acts of terrorism we can't control them.

You might hold an ethical position that it's wrong to lie but if you have plans for a war in Iraq and you want to keep them secret for practical reasons - to reduce casualties perhaps - and someone asks you about those plans you may need to lie for a 'good' outcome.

The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of the war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land.

We have to have a way of dealing with this that engenders confidence trust gives us every chance of getting the right outcome and boosts both sustainability and economic return at the same time.

Success is a journey not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.

I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of an undertaking. If I felt it was the right thing to do I was for it regardless of the possible outcome.

We do a disservice to society if we ignore the evidence which shows that stable families tend to be associated with better outcomes for children.

If we try to engineer outcomes if we overturn tradition to make everyone the same we ruin society. If we upset tradition to allow for an equal shot at the starting gate everyone wins except for the charlatans and would be dictators.

I've always seen the world through the eyes of a scientist. I love the predictable outcomes that science gives us the control over the world that that can render.

The fact that the adult American Negro female emerges a formidable character is often met with amazement distaste and even belligerance. It is seldom accepted as an inevitable outcome of the struggle won by survivors and deserves respect if not enthusiastic acceptance.

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If you publish a scientific paper it is very hard to start a nationwide debate about something. If you do this in a movie you can start a debate. We like to create a bridge between those two worlds - film and science.