Search For openly In Quotes 18

You want a culture where citizens are free to express themselves and so live in the openness necessary to the functioning of a successful economy? Israel has a free press much of it openly hostile to the parties in power.

President George W. Bush is the first American president to call openly for two-states Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security.

Many openly show discontentment with their looks but few with their intelligence. I however assure you there are many more plain minds than faces.

Our history is that we can very aggressively if necessary and openly and democratically discuss our differences. We have a democratic history in which we come together and vote on these things.

I don't think that there's been one example in history where somebody has openly talked about their personal life and it's done them any good.

Irregular contact with doctors means many men fail to receive any preventive care for potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition when men do seek care embarrassment can often prevent them from openly discussing health concerns with their physicians.

Plunderous is the palate I gift to you openly I hug the universe of our friendship expanding its outer limit.

Freedom means the right of people to assemble organize and debate openly.

Amin knew that neither West nor East would criticize him for fear that he would support the other side. He felt he was untouchable and he said so openly.

More than fantasy or even science fiction Ray Bradbury wrote horror and like so many great horror writers he was himself utterly without fear of anything. He wasn't afraid of looking uncool - he wasn't scared to openly love innocence or to be optimistic or to write sentimentally when he felt that way.