Search For ongoing In Quotes 20

I think the importance of doing activist work is precisely because it allows you to give back and to consider yourself not as a single individual who may have achieved whatever but to be a part of an ongoing historical movement.

Along with that ongoing process Sinn Fein took a decision to establish a peace commission which had the responsibility to travel around the country to receive submissions from the general public also our opponents.

From a technical point of view there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why - with the existing technology - we couldn't do very high quality audio because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing the boom in digital audio has already happened.

I have felt terribly from the beginning when I saw the problems and recognized that they would be ongoing. We were hired to put back the contours of the greens as closely as possible to George Thomas's designs and were real proud of what we did. It's a sad situation now.

I work on words quite separately to music. They're both ongoing and I don't ever feel like I'm working in a cycle in that respect because it's every day anyway no matter what I'm doing. Then I get to a point when I've collected together enough words that seem like they want to be songs rather than poems or sometimes not.

I'm open-minded. I don't consider myself gay or hetero I just am. I've had experiences all over the planet but it always comes down to just me but I think at this point if I had an ongoing relationship I believe it would be with a man.

You know what's funny is that I have this ongoing relationship with the city of Washington D.C. I went to George Washington University and my nickname was K-Dub - based on G-Dub - and I'm now on the board of trustees at George Washington University.

I think that to a very great extent we are partners with the divine in this enterprise called history. That is an ongoing relationship and there is absolutely no guarantee that things will automatically work out to our best advantage.

I work on words mostly toward them being poetry or short stories and then some of those become songs. They all find their place in the world but they all start off in the same place. I'm always painting and drawing as well and it's an ongoing creative assignment.

Not to be weird but I still have an ongoing relationship with my mom even though she passed away and I've been surprised at how much I've been able to convey to her. Now I sound like a total weirdo but that's true.