Search For obsessive In Quotes 21

Writing became an obsessive compulsive habit but I had almost no money so I thought about being an urban firefighter and having lots of free time in which to write or becoming an English teacher and thinking about books and writers on a daily basis. That swayed me.

I must have got my detailed obsessive streak from my father who was an English teacher because my mother wasn't like me at all.

If only the strength of the love that people feel when it is reciprocated could be as intense and obsessive as the love we feel when it is not then marriages would be truly made in heaven.

Much of today's public anxiety about science is the apprehension that we may forever be overlooking the whole by an endless obsessive preoccupation with the parts.

You will soon find that I am a bit obsessive about my work. And that is a little sad one often feels strangely restricted not finding time to simmer although one actually has many interests.

There will always be vain obsessive people who want to own rare and extraordinary things whatever the cost there will always be people for whom owning beautiful dangerous animals brings a sense of power and magic.

There's something about music that encourages people to want to know more about the person that made it and where it was recorded what year it was done what they were listening to and all this kind of stuff. There's something that invites all this obsessive behavior.

I like to comprehend more or less everything around me - apart from the creation of my music. It's an obsessive character trait that's getting worse. I don't switch the light on and off 15 times before I leave the room yet but something's going wrong.

When you're making movies you've got to get obsessive.

I'm an obsessive hiker and I do it every day for two hours and it really helps me when it comes to learning songs or scripts.

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I hate all politics. I don't like either political party. One should not belong to them - one should be an individual standing in the middle. Anyone that belongs to a party stops thinking.