Search For notions In Quotes 20

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.

I put forward formless and unresolved notions as do those who publish doubtful questions to debate in the schools not to establish the truth but to seek it.

I feel drawn to experiment with ways that technology can interact with notions of intimacy because so much of technology is done in a way that's very cold and has such an opposite effect.

Shun no toil to make yourself remarkable by some talent or other yet do not devote yourself to one branch exclusively. Strive to get clear notions about all. Give up no science entirely for science is but one.

The Southern whites are in many respects a great people. Looked at from a certain point of view they are picturesque. If one will put oneself in a romantic frame of mind one can admire their notions of chivalry and bravery and justice.

I joined the air force. I took to it immediately when I arrived there. I did three years eight months and ten days in all but it took me a year and a half to get disabused of my romantic notions about it.

Shelley is truth itself and honour itself notwithstanding his out-of-the-way notions about religion.

The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.

I found it an interesting portrait of a marriage in exploring notions of how one partner supports the other whilst not jeopardizing the greater good - which is the family.

In the past I used to counter any such notions by asking myself: 'Would you really want President Hattersley?' I now find that possibility rather cheers me up. With his chubby Dickensian features and his knowledge of T.H. Green and other harmless leftish political classics Hattersley might not be such a bad thing after all.