Search For muslim In Quotes 60

Suicidal violence is not the exclusive property of the Muslim world. Suicide bombings were a tactic of nationalist struggles in 19th-century Europe and Russia the far east during the second world war and the Vietnam war and in modern Sri Lanka.

I love it when Muslims go to war with each other as I do when the Christians do because it shows there's no such thing as the Christian world and the Islamic world. That's all crap.

Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.

The Teen Challenge ministry was born out of those humble early days of ministry. It now includes over 500 drug and alcohol rehab centers around the world even in Muslim countries. These include homes for girls and women addicts and alcoholics all which are reaching many.

Realize that a Muslim will know that his wife was seen naked in this machine. You know what would be the reaction?... Terrible. I believe there's technology out there that can identify bomb-type materials without necessarily overly invading our privacy.

Terrorists have failed to trigger mass conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims in Europe. We should draw strength from that fact.

Well you got to remember bin Laden killed 3 000 Americans and in some ways he and his ideology killed tens of thousands of his fellow Muslims including Pakistanis. I understand that that was provocative and complicated for Pakistan but only if you accept the idea that he was an acceptable member of Pakistani society.

I mean Britain is a country of successful Muslim businesspeople teachers and educators journalists. So we have to say very strongly that the two million plus Muslims in Britain the vast bulk of them make a huge contribution to our society and they actually make it the vibrant society it is.

If you look at any Muslim society and you make a scale of how developed they are and how successful the economy is it's a straight line. It depends on how much they emancipate their women.

American officials have bent over backwards to show how sensitive they are to Muslim culture. It didn't seem very effective. They seem to be worried about winning the respect of other people.