Search For multi In Quotes 115

War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong and multiplies instead of indemnifying losses.

It's much easier for me to make major life multi-million dollar decisions than it is to decide on a carpet for my front porch. That's the truth.

The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.

Trust is a great force multiplier.

You know among people who kind of travel a lot and have exposure to the United States and some other countries they do have accounts but you know Russia is not exactly the place with multiple language skills so local networks kind of have an edge.

I've been so entwined with technology since I was about 15 recording myself and multitracking and producing things on my own.

It's hard to pay attention these days because of multiple affects of the information technology nowadays. You tend to develop a faster speedier mind but I don't think it's necessarily broader or smarter.

The five separate fingers are five independent units. Close them and the fist multiplies strength. This is organization.

Suppressed grief suffocates it rages within the breast and is forced to multiply its strength.