Search For motor In Quotes 51

People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.

I don't write under the ghost of Faulkner. I live in the same town and find his life and work inspiring but that's it. I have a motorcycle and tool along the country lanes. I travel at my own speed.

And what's interesting about the hybrids taking off is you've now introduced electric motors to the automobile industry. It's the first radical change in automobile technology in 100 years.

All of my free time is made up of motor sports endeavors be them motorcycles or off-road racing or track days. I just love anything with an engine. That is one of my main loves. Obviously my other well-known love is Kristen Bell.

The bottom line is what we do might not be the safest so there is always some risk but we are ready to take that into account because we love racing and we love motor sports and it is dangerous.

I love extreme sports I like snowboarding and motorcross and rollerblading and hockey.

Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.

It takes more than driving to become an IndyCar driver. Gone are the days when drivers show up Friday morning and go home Sunday night. We're all integral to our partnerships commercially motorsports. We're as much champions in the boardroom as we are on the racetrack.

I just motor through school in the morning and then go skating.

Driving a motorcycle is like flying. All your senses are alive. When I ride through Beverly Hills in the early morning and all the sprinklers have turned off the scents that wash over me are just heavenly. Being House is like flying too. You're free of the gravity of what people think.

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Everyone has a breaking point turning point stress point the game is permeated with it. The fans don't see it because we make it look so efficient. But internally for a guy to be successful you have to be like a clock spring wound but not loose at the same time.