Search For motive In Quotes 42

You should be careful what you wish for as the reasons for war get confused. One person can be very clear in their motives but others can have different agendas.

I couldn't be happier that President Bush has stood up for having served in the National Guard because I can finally put an end to all those who questioned my motives for enlisting in the Army Reserve at the height of the Vietnam War.

For a war to be just three conditions are necessary - public authority just cause right motive.

We are all selfish and I no more trust myself than others with a good motive.

If interstellar travel is as time- or energy- demanding as the above figures indicate it is far from obvious what the motive for colonization might be.

There was a study done in the early 20th century of all the entrepreneurs who entered the automobile industry around the same time as Henry Ford there were something like 500 automotive companies that got funded had the internal combustion engine had the technology and had the vision. Sixty percent of them folded within a couple of years.

Bob Dylan has always sealed his decisions with the unexplainable. His motives for withholding the release of the magnificent 'Basement Tapes' will be as forever obscure as Brian Wilson's reasons for the destruction of the tapes for 'Smile.'

In this respect I suppose I'm the total opposite of Garry. With his very emotive body language at the board he shows and displays all his emotions. I don't.

Every diminution of the public burdens arising from taxation gives to individual enterprise increased power and furnishes to all the members of our happy confederacy new motives for patriotic affection and support.

Heroes are those who can somehow resist the power of the situation and act out of noble motives or behave in ways that do not demean others when they easily can.

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Today we thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon this great Country and ask Him to continue to heal our land and meet our needs - and we do so through the power of prayer.