Search For mormon In Quotes 11

My parents divorced when I was born and my mother is a political science professor like a feminist Mormon which is sort of an oxymoron.

Take away the Book of Mormon and the revelations and where is our religion? We have none.

I still love the theology of the Mormon religion and think it is a wonderful way to grow up.

I'm as much influenced by Joseph Smith and the Mormons as I am more so than by Eliot. Actually I'm much more influenced by the poetry of the Mormons.

My mom is this liberal feminist Mormon powerhouse. I just love her to death.

I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth and the keystone of our religion and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book.

It's funny because 'The Book of Mormon' is 'The Book of Mormon' now. When I was doing it at the very beginning and I was a part of it for four years and always believed in it I never really knew if it was going to be more than a convention for 'South Park' fans.

There are a lot of Christian fundamentalists there are a lot of Muslim extremists. Every religion - Mormonism - has something way on the side that's completely using the religion as some weird backbone for their twisted faith. It has nothing to do with their religion.

Mormons... are so strong they can handle wealth they are confident. I think it is because they are not bogged down by rules for equality but have a firmly defined system of relative status and responsible command.

I believe in the institution of marriage. Of course being a Mormon we believe in eternity rather than just till death do us part. If you really try hard if you make it work it's blissful. But I also know a marriage that isn't working can be painful.

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I've rarely kept my distance from kind of - I don't know if we can call it politics but kind of civic engagement and that kind of thing except I tended to think 'Well do it yourself before you start telling other people what they should be doing.'