Search For modify In Quotes 11

A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape.

I want to make sure that no matter how long I go through this I don't fall into the trap of changing and modifying how I do things that aren't a positive example. I want to remain somebody that the entire family can listen to or watch.

The methods of peace propaganda which aim at establishing peace doctrine by argument and by creating a feeling favorable to peace in general seem to fall short of reaching the springs of human action and of dealing with the causes of the conduct which they seek to modify.

Though intelligence is powerless to modify character it is a dab hand at finding euphemisms for its weaknesses.

Many working mothers feel guilty about not being at home. And when they are there they wish it could be perfect. This pressure to make every minute happy puts working parents in a bind when it comes to setting limits and modifying behavior.

The fact is that all writers create their precursors. Their work modifies our conception of the past just as it is bound to modify the future.

A library to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas - a place where history comes to life.

In science the important thing is to modify and change one's ideas as science advances.

One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment... If it doesn't turn out right we can modify it as we go along.

When you pray for anyone you tend to modify your personal attitude toward him.