Search For medicaid In Quotes 11

The decision is 'trust fund' versus 'no more Medicaid' - and that shouldn't be a tough decision.

We believe that if you put in place the mechanisms that allow for personal choice as far as Medicare is concerned as well as the programs in Medicaid that we can actually get to a better result and do what most Americans are learning how to do which is to do more with less.

Well there are about 10 million children that aren't covered by health insurance. About 3 million qualify for Medicaid but don't get it so we're going to reach out and bring more of those kids into the Medicaid program.

It's not health care reform to dump more money into Medicaid.

You're entitled to Medicaid regardless of your income. Don't worry about your health care.

We need a vibrant Medicaid program and strategies to expand affordable access to health care for all especially for the specialty care services that community health centers do not provide.

Half of all women who are sexually active but do not want to get pregnant need publicly funded services to help them access public health programs like Medicaid and Title X the national family planning program.

Originally created to serve the poorest and sickest among us the Medicaid program has grown dramatically but still doesn't include the kind of flexibility that states need to provide better health care for the poor and disadvantaged.

Under President Obama's new health care law Medicaid will become a very different health coverage program than first envisioned.

One thing governors feel Democrats and Republicans alike is that we have a health care system that if you're on Medicaid you have unlimited access to health care at unlimited levels at no cost. No wonder it's running away.