Search For massive In Quotes 43

My top most priority is to deal with India's massive social and economic problems so that chronic poverty ignorance and disease can be conquered in a reasonably short period of time.

The demographic weight of countries such as China and India exercise a massive pressure on our wages and salaries. They have accomplished massive technological advances and the revolution in information technology has reduced the costs of transport.

The path to success is to take massive determined action.

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls the most massive characters are seared with scars.

What we see today is an American economy that has boomed because of policies and developments of the 1950s and '60s: the interstate-highway system massive funding for science and technology a public-education system that was the envy of the world and generous immigration policies.

The twentieth century has exhibited a barbarism and lack of respect for human life on a massive scale just about unknown before.

So I developed very early a massive inferiority complex and I've told the story often about how that inspired me later in life to get involved in other things because I couldn't out-do my brothers in sports and it's a very competitive relationship.

Never underestimate the power of the State to act out its own massive fantasies.

Kids are meant to believe that their stepping stone to massive money is 'The X Factor.' Luck is great but most of life is hard work. We do not celebrate people who have made success out of serious hard work.

Kids are meant to believe that their stepping stone to massive money is 'The X Factor.'

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It's not a struggle but sometimes when you're gone for a month or two you start to miss your friends. I love acting so much that it fills that gap of being sad about not being able to see my friends.